
The simulation framework can be executed as

cd p3iv/p3iv/scripts
python main.py --run=OL_DEU_Roundabout_01

This command executes the test case OL_DEU_Roundabout_OL_01 defined inside p3iv/src/p3iv/configurations/test_cases.py. After each simulation run, the outputs are stored inside p3iv/p3iv with their directory names reflecting the start time of the simulation run.

If you have any problems and need help, you can execute

python main.py --help

for additional information. If this doesn’t help, please refer to FAQ.

Visualization & Postprocessing

If you want to display inspect the results of a simulation, you can either execute

python main.py --show-single=<TIMESTAMP_INTEGER>


python main.py --show-multi

These commands will start animations on the outcomes of planned trajectories. The first command will animate the planning results for a single timestamp <TIMESTAMP_INTEGER> by iterating over individual timesteps, whereas the latter will iterate over all the timestamps at which planning is performed and will animate these.


Simulation Types

P3IV allows to perform both open-loop and closed-loop simulation. An open-loop simulation discards planned actions in a single timestamp and reads motion from a dataset. Therefore, prerecorded data is required to perform open-loop simulation. In contrast, a closed-loop simulation only reads initial data and then applies the planned actions by eventually overwriting the ground truth.

P3IV allows performing closed loop simulation, given any Lanelet2 map. As described in the next section, it requires goal lanelet, behavior characteristics and initial motion state of any agent in the simulation world.

Performing open-loop simulation is more trickier: it requires a database to overwrite the planned motion. Publicly available datasets that have an accompanying Lanelet2 map are very rare: currently only Interaction Dataset and RounD dataset provide these. Therefore, P3IV has bindings only to these datasets.

If datasets are available, P3IV can execute closed-loop simulation for any arbitrary number of vehicles in a dataset trackfile. This allows to compare human-driven trajectories with planned or predicted ones.

Configuration Files

In P3IV there two types of configuration files that a user can modify:

  • test cases

  • simulation settings

Both of these files written in yaml format and are located inside p3iv/p3iv/configurations/.

The test_cases.yaml file contains test case entries that can be used as an argument for the main script, e.g. python main.py --run=<TEST_CASE_NAME>. Every test case entry has the following structure:

  "simulation_type": ("open-loop" / "closed-loop")
  "source": ("interaction_sim" / "internal_simulation")
  "track_file_number": <TRACK_FILE_INTEGER>
  "timestamp_begin": <TIMESTAMP_INTEGER>
  "timestamp_end": <TIMESTAMP_INTEGER>
  "vehicle_of_interest": <VEHICLE_ID_INTEGER>

The test cases specify how p3iv should run the current simulation. It starts with "simulation_type" key, which specifies if the simulation is an “open-loop” or “closed-loop” simulation. The key "source" specifies whether to read data from a dataset or to perform an internal simulation. The key "map" defines the Lanelet2 map file name. Drone datasets typically contain multiple recordings per map. If simulation data is read from a dataset, the entry "track_file_number" defines which track record for the defined map should be used. The timestamp entries "timestamp_begin" and "timestamp_end" specify for which timestamps intervals the simulation shall be run. The entry "vehicle_of_interest" specifies the vehicle ID that is the ego (or the host) vehicle. The whole processing is done from the perspective of this vehicle. The entry "meta_state" defines to which lanelet ID a vehicle is heading and what type of planner that vehicle is using. The keys are the vehicle IDs and the values are a list of integer and a planner package name. All vehicle IDs defined in meta_state do closed-loop simulation. In other words, they react to the changes in the simulation environment.


Whereas the numbers specified with "timestamp_begin" and "timestamp_end" are relevant for reading from drone datasets, they are irrelevant for internal simulation, as this is independent of any dataset. An internal simulation only considers the duration between beginning and end.


Vehicle defined as "vehicle_of_interest" must have an entry in "meta_state", i.e. the vehicle for which planning is done must have a valid destination lanelet ID and a planner type.

Simulation settings in settings.yaml define individual parameters of the modules that have a framework-wide impact, such as uncertainty levels during perception, or the path of data, such as drone dataset paths.

"dataset": "INTERACTION-Dataset-DR-v1_0"

  "horizon": 6       # s
  "dt": 100          # ms (step-width)
  # n, number of timesteps is calculated automatically; int(horizon / dt)



  "type": "basic"

  "type": "pseudo"

  "type": "basic"

  "type": "constant_velocity"

The first entry "dataset" defines the name of the dataset, if a dataset is used as source. The entry "temporal" defines the system-wide temporal parameters such as prediction & planning horizon, sampling interval. After these keys, module settings are listed. The last entry in every module setting is the key "type" and define the catkin package to import from. Other entries present in the current settings.yaml define the default parameters on motion limits, uncertainties etc.

Independent of the defined configurations in these two files, every module written by the users can contain other configuration files. This is up to the user. The users can also modify and extend these settings to match their needs.

When the simulation environment is run, the chosen test case configurations are fused with the settings and are dumped into outputs upon completion of the simulation run.


Researchers frequently have to adapt the simulation settings to match the needs of their application. Even though the framework has a clean layout, it may still be confusing for inexperienced researchers in python, catkin, or cmake.

Defining Custom Test Cases

Even though P3IV defines a large number of test scenarios, users might want to define custom test cases for their specific use case. For this, the users can add entries to test_cases.yaml and in case add new map files to the map directory p3iv_utils/res/maps. Although this is the default directory for maps, path of maps in other directories can be provided to the lanelet2 reader.

In order to display and modify lanelet2 maps, users can refer to Java Openstreet Map Editor (JOSM).

Catkin package structure

The simulation framework is aimed to have a modular structure and to work with flexibly with various ROS packages and modules. Catkin package layout and CMake meet this requirement perfectly.

The structure of a catkin package layout is illustrated below.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│   └── example_pkg
│       ├── internal
│       │   └── header_file.hpp
│       ├── header_a.hpp
│       └── header_b.hpp
├── package.xml
├── python_api
│   ├── py_example_pkg.cpp
│   └── py_example_pkg.hpp
├── README.md
├── res
│   └── resource.txt
├── setup.py
├── src
│   └── example_pkg
│       ├── converters
│       │   ├── __init__.py
│       │   └── a2b.py
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── parser.py
│       └── visualization
│           ├── __init__.py
│           └── plot_utils.py
└── test
    ├── test_file_cpp_impl.cpp
    └── test_file_py_impl.py

In a catkin package any python module or subpackage is located below <PACKAGE_NAME>/src/<PACKAGE_NAME>. After building, a sourced environment can be import modules with from <PACKAGE_NAME> import <MODULE_NAME>.

See also

ROS wiki on catkin.

Test files and scripts

Packages have test cases for coverage and CI testing. These tests are located inside <PACKAGE_NAME>/test/ directory. Likewise, packages serving as tool have python scripts located inside scripts. These are implemented for execution.


Even though tests are implemented for testing, they can serve as examples.


The p3iv itself is shipped as a catkin metapackage, e.g. a package that contains multiple other packages. It contains:

├── p3iv
├── p3iv_core
├── p3iv_modules
├── p3iv_types
├── p3iv_utils
├── p3iv_utils_polyline
├── p3iv_utils_polyvision
├── p3iv_utils_probability
└── p3iv_visualization

The package p3iv/p3iv is the metapackage that is “binding” other packages. As introduced above, it contains the scripts to execute the simulation environment and serves as directory to store simulation results.

The core functions to run the environment are inside p3iv/p3iv_core. Bindings to data sources such as drone datasets, functions to run the simulation framework and configuration files are located in this package.

The simulation framework instantiates a vehicle with perception, understanding, decision making, planning and action (or control) modules. For these different modules or later on by user custom added modules to work with each other, either common types and interfaces, or messages must be predefined. Indicated in the Section *”What P3IV is not?”* we do not define messages with timestamps. But for modules to operate with each other, we define interfaces as abstract classes and data types.

The default (or exemplary) modules together with their interface definitions are located inside p3iv/p3iv_modules:

├── action
├── decision
├── interfaces
├── perception
├── planner
├── prediction
└── understanding

The subdirectory interfaces contain abstract classes that define the interfaces these modules must match. These interfaces ensure the simulation environment to work with appropriate module definitions, preventing any incompatibility.

A vehicle instantiates these modules from the class VehicleModules in p3iv/p3iv_modules/src/p3iv_modules/modules.py. During instantiation, it checks whether instantiated modules follow the interfaces. During execution, it calls these modules for every timestamp. These modules calculate the required output, such as predicted motion of other vehicles around for every timestep in the planning horizon. The user is free to modify and extend these data types and interfaces.

The data types serve both as baseline and as a guideline for future improvements. These are located inside p3iv/p3iv_types. Please note that this package has also type implementations for C++ and their PyBind bindings for Python-use.

While developing algorithms, researchers frequently need some common functions. Most of the time such functions are implemented in various libraries. However, some application specific utilities are sometimes hard to find. p3iv/p3iv_utils contains a small number of useful functions. P3IV is shipped with useful utility functions that can be used independently. Name of such packages start with p3iv_utils_ prefix. Utility functions are described in next section in detail.

Visualization can guide researchers for possible improvements and help with debugging. Because there isn’t a single visualization that depicts all possible metrics, visualization is implement in an object-oriented fashion but in a very modular way. Every visualization function is a class that can accept instances of others, e.g. Cartesian plot instantiates the class that depicts vehicles and the class that depict a Lanelet2 map. Such functions are located inside p3iv/p3iv_visualization.


Note that some modules may have modified __init__.py files, as in the case of p3iv/p3iv_modules/src/p3iv_modules/interfaces/.

Data processing structure of the framework

The simulation framework runs staring from timestamp_begin defined in test_cases.py and finishes at timestamp_end defined in the same file. It sequentially executes the modules and returns the output. If the simulation_type is closed-loop, it updates its current position based on the planned value. An open-loop usage requires presence of a dataset, as it reads data from such a source to update for the next timestamp.

Upon execution, the simulation framework starts sequentially executing the processing pipeline defined in p3iv/p3iv_modules/src/p3iv_modules/execute.py from p3iv/p3iv_core/src/p3iv_core/run.py/#L102, where the argument f_execute is passed from p3iv/p3iv/scripts/main.py. Remember that the instantiation of the modules is defined in p3iv/p3iv_modules/src/p3iv_modules/modules.py.

While importing external modules, the simulation environment requires to follow a package name scheme. This scheme is implemented in p3iv_modules/src/p3iv_modules/modules.py. That is, a planner package in the workspace, besides inheriting from the metaclass interface, must have a name starting with planner_, whereas a prediction package’s name must start with prediction_ prefixes. Which module to use as a planner is controlled from settings.py file.


Consider addding Python API and describe the motivation behind individual implementations.